BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya – The number of children suffering from anemia or iron deficiency in Cagayan Valley is higher by 16 percent than the national rate, according to the latest survey conducted by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI). Citing the said report, Rhodora Maestre, nutrition council director for Cagayan Valley, said that of those surveyed in the region, children aged five to six years old were found to be the most suffering anemia, even surpassing the national rate. On the average, the report shows that for every five children in the region, two are suffering from anemia, a condition in which one has poor level of red blood cells, which provide oxygen to body tissues, that, if not treated during the early stages, may lead to serious health problems such as leukemia or cancer of the blood. Likewise, 60 and 58 percent of pregnant and lactating women, respectively, in the region were also found to be lacking in iron in the body, which, if not treated during th...